Sista ELLA

Got that Ghana blood

Sista Ella

How smooth is tonight’s featured female artist? She’s Sade‘ smooth. Our featured artist tonight is Sista Ella and her version of hip hop is so different from what you’re used to seeing from a female hip hop artist.


Sista Ella is from the South side of Chicago, but her roots are Ghana, West Africa. And, you can totally tell when you listen to her music. She is a beautiful, old soul with wise, powerful lyrics.

Sista Ella – The Music

Her song “Black” features a singer called Yaw. It is all about equality and Black beauty and empowerment and I can totally get on board with that. I don’t care what color I am. To me we are all the color of our aura. And mine is purple. Sista Ellas energy is orange. Her music radiates joy and warmth.

Her song “Ghana” is a Panda Cover, but she makes it so much better in my opinion. Her flow is hard in this song. The Sade’ smoothness that she usually has is gone, replaced by a forceful, empowered flow with superb lyrics. I will be featuring the song on tonight’s episode of Crystallized Beats Podcast… def want to check that out.

She performs at a lot of festivals. Not your usual bar fly performer. She specifically performs at African festivals which is pretty cool. She has a project in the works that will be dropping Summer of 2020, but there is plenty to listen to on her SoundCloud and YouTube.


So, go check her out and get your fill on those platforms while we all wait for her next project to come out. And like her page on Facebook while you’re at it, to stay updated on new releases and events.


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